Artificial Intelligence
History and Application
Types of AI
Agents in AI
Types of AI Agents
Agent Environment
Turing Test in AI
Search Algorithms
Uninformed Search Algorithms
Informed Search Algorithms
Hill Climbing Algorithm
Means Ends Analysis
Adversarial Search
Mini-Max Algorithm
Alpha-Beta Pruning
Knowledge-based Agent
Knowledge Representation
Knowledge Representation Techniques
Propositional Logic
Rules of Inference
The Wumpus World
Knowledge Base for Wumpus World
First Order Logic
Knowledge Engineering in FOL
Inference in FOL
Unification in FOL
Resolution in FOL
Forward and Backward Chaining
Reasoning in AI
Bayesian Belief Network
Types of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
In this page, we will learn What are the types Artificial Intelligence (AI)?, Weak AI or Narrow AI, General AI, Super AI, Reactive Machines, Limited Memory, Theory of Mind, Self-Awareness.
What are the types Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
Artificial Intelligence can be classified in a variety of ways. The most common categorizations are based on capabilities and based on AI's functionality. The flow diagram below defines the different types of AI.

AI type-1: Based on Capabilities
1. Weak AI or Narrow AI:
- Narrow AI is a sort of AI that is capable of doing a specific task intelligently. In the area of artificial intelligence, narrow AI is the most frequent and obtainable AI.
- Because narrow AI is exclusively educated for one specific task, it cannot perform beyond its field or boundaries. As a result, it's also known as "weak AI." When narrow AI reaches its boundaries, it can fail in unexpected ways.
- Apple Siri is an excellent example of Narrow AI, yet it only performs a limited set of functions.
- Narrow AI also includes IBM's Watson supercomputer, which employs an Expert system method mixed with Machine learning and natural language processing.
- Playing chess, making purchase suggestions on an e-commerce site, self-driving automobiles, and speech recognition are all examples of narrow AI.
2. General AI:
- General AI is a sort of intelligence that is capable of doing any intellectual task as well as a human.
- The goal of general AI is to create a system that can learn and reason like a person on its own.
- Currently, no system exists that can be classified as general AI and execute any work as well as a person.
- Researchers from all across the world are now concentrating their efforts on creating robots that can do general AI tasks.
- Generic AI systems are still being researched. So developing such systems will take a lot of effort and time.
3. Super AI:
- Super AI is a level of system intelligence at which machines may outsmart humans and execute any task better than humans with cognitive qualities. It's a result of AI in general.
- Some fundamental properties of powerful AI are the ability to understand, reason, solve puzzles, make judgements, plan, learn, and communicate independently.
- Super AI is still a futuristic Artificial Intelligence concept. The creation of such systems in the real world is still a world-changing task.

Artificial Intelligence type-2: Based on functionality
1. What is Reactive Machines?
- The most basic types of Artificial Intelligence are pure reactive robots.
- The most basic types of Artificial Intelligence are pure reactive robots.
- Such AI systems do not keep track of memories or previous experiences in order to make decisions in the future.
- These machines just consider current scenarios and respond in the best way feasible.
- Reactive machines, such as IBM's Deep Blue system, are an example.
- AlphaGo, developed by Google, is another example of reactive machines.
2. Limited Memory:
- Limited memory machines can store past experiences or some data for a limited length of time.
- These machines can only use stored data for a short amount of time.
- One of the best instances of Limited Memory systems is self-driving automobiles. These vehicles can retain the most recent speed of adjacent vehicles, their distance from other vehicles, the speed limit, and other data to help them navigate the road.
3. Theory of Mind:
- Mind-Body Theory AI should be able to understand human emotions, personalities, and beliefs, as well as interact socially.
- This form of AI computer has not yet been produced, however researchers are working hard to improve and develop such AI machines.
4. Self-Awareness:
- Self-awareness Artificial Intelligence is the future. These machines will be extremely intelligent, with their own consciousness, feelings, and sense of self.
- These machines will be more intelligent than humans.
- Self-Awareness AI is still a speculative idea that does not exist in reality.